Sunday, April 12, 2009

Final Project in Motion

So with my final project, if anyone is still reading this, I have been asked to offer the videos to a school that I taught their staff.

Many of you probably heard about the tragic car accident outside of Gravelbourg and Kincaid. Well I have previously taught teachers from around there, and they are wanting to start reviewing First Aid/ CPR at every staff meeting because of the need for it out there. (The closest hospital is very far away) So I have sent them the links.

How great is that! (not the accidents, but the use of my project)

I have also sent the links to St. John Ambulance for them to use as they please.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Final Project!!! St. John Ambulance Tutorial videos!!

Emergency Scene Management Tutorial

Severe Bleeding Tutorial

Adult Choking Tutorial

CPR tutorial

Monday, April 6, 2009

Last Week of Classes

AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! is anyone else getting excited for summer?? Of course for me it is a bit more scary than it is exciting.. or maybe both. I officially have 3 days left of classes in my university career!

I hope that everyone is getting their final touches on assignments done, and that you all have a great week! See you in class Wednesday!!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Self-Evaluation/ Reflections on Social Learning and Mentorship

I figure the best way to go about this would be to do it in point form according to Assessment.

Social Learning.

- I have slotted this as 10% of my final mark.
- I participated in the Eluminate Sessions quite a bit.
- I have provided opportunities on my blog for social learning to take place, along with challenge questions to others, and questions that I am having about tech tasks or other activities of my interest
- I have responded as quickly as possible to comments on my blog, so that we can have a type of conversation via the blog
- I have commented on others blogs, I attempt to do so once or twice a week.

- I believe that a good mark for me in this section would be possibly an 7.5/10. I put quite a bit forth for this section, however I could have done more. I found it difficult with my other classes to contribute all of the time, for that I apologize.


- I have slotted this as 10% of my mark as well.
- I had a lot of difficulties with this mentorship. My computer didnt work for the longest time, I had to get a new one, and then I couldn't get onto Mr. Harbecks blogs.
-Either way, my communication with Chris was there, via email.
- I challenged Mr. H's Classes with a math problem, and kept up to date on what it was that they were discussing. It is very interesting how some of the content I am covering in some of my classes or that I have worked with in my internship relate to what these students are doing.

- Colleen's Class is a different story.
- There I have not had a bunch of communication. Now I do not know if it is my computer or the programming, but I was having trouble getting into her links as well. Unfortunately, I never got responses back from Colleen on how to fix this, so I have looked at some of the links that she has sent on the evaluation, but I was not able to reply back.

- I believe, that my effort was there, however, I did not get much done with Colleen's class. I do not know how to grade myself on that, but I would hope that I would get above a 6/10.

For those of you who are wondering how I put the rest of my grades, they are 20% for the Blog, 30% for weekly Assignments, and 30% for my Final Project.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Major Project Update

Today Jenelle and I worked on our final project, and I am glad to say that we are almost done! All we have to do is put the four tutorial clips on the internet. Hopefully you will all be blessed with them soon.

It was very interesting creating these videos, for those of you who have been following along, we had to go through many different steps to get to this point. There was getting permission from the St. John Ambulance Head office (for the copyrites) CHECK! There was getting volunteers for the filming, CHECK! Then there was the filming itself, CHECK! and now the editing and putting in the voice for the tutorials, which now has is a CHECK!

We decided to go with four tutorials, Emergency Scene Management, Choking, CPR, and Severe Bleeds.

We worked on a Mac, and the clipping was quite easy as well as putting the voice through. I hope you all enjoy what is yet to come.


I am done my essay!! Well my first draft. Luckily, my prof said I could bring it in and he would go through it with me before i have to hand it in. I shall do that tomorrow.

That is all I had to say about this.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009



For any of you out there that write a lot of essays please help me out. I just can't seem to get motivated to write this 5000 word essay on Pythagorean's Theorem. I have done absolutely everything else possibly imaginable. Any suggestions???

Oh ya, I also am going to add some math youtube links for you guys to watch. Just in case you are interested in what I do to procrastinate. HAHA I am such a nerd!!

Can't Graphy This
What You Know About Math
